Centre d’aide aux victimes d’actes criminels de l’Estrie (CAVAC)

Description de l'organisme

CAVACs offer front-line services to all victims of crime and their immediate family and to witnesses to a crime. The centres provide assistance regardless of whether the perpetrator of the crime has been identified, apprehended, prosecuted or convicted.

Description des services

● CAVACs offer information on the rights crime victims have and the remedies available to them, which encompasses the main stages of the judicial process, the crime victims compensation program, INFOVAC-Plus and any financial assistance measures to which victims may be entitled.  CAVACs assist crime victims in filling out required forms and to enable them to comply with all the formalities associated with their situation.  CAVACs accompany crime victims through their dealings with medical and community resources, and provide sustained support throughout the judicial process as the case proceeds.

To make an appointment, contact CAVAC de l’Estrie by phone, fax or e-mail (info@cavacestrie.com), or contact the service point closest to your residence :

Sherbrooke courthouse
375, rue King Ouest, bureau 2.15
Sherbrooke (Québec)
J1H 6B9
Tel. : 819 820-2822

● Legal information available on the website.


230, rue King Ouest, bureau 300
Sherbrooke, Québec
J1H 1P9

Heures d'ouverture : Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m

Téléphone(s) :
toll-free : 1-877-822-2822

Télécopieur(s) :

Site internet : www.cavac.qc.ca/regions/estrie | CAVAC : www.cavac.qc.ca